Workshops Details

Planning a Revegetation Project for your site

If only it was as easy as sticking some plants in the ground and watching them grow effortlessly. However, successful revegetation and habitat creation require careful planning, knowledge, and implementation of various techniques. We will teach you the essentials, from selecting the right plant species to understanding soil conditions and managing ongoing maintenance, to ensure your projects thrive and contribute positively to the environment.


SEEDS Bushland Restoration Team

Trainer Profile

Kylie Robertson, Ecoskills, SEEDS Bushland Restoration, Conservation Collective

Kylie is the Founder and Director of SEEDS Bushland Restoration Pty Ltd, which she established in 2006 after a decade of experience working for local councils and bushland contractors. With a strong passion for environmental education, Kylie holds an Environmental Science Degree, a Graduate Diploma of Teaching, and a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment. Her extensive industry experience includes 12 years as a TAFE teacher in Conservation & Ecosystem Management.

Kylie is also a facilitator for the Victorian National Parks Association’s Nature Stewards program and actively supports her industry as the Accreditation Coordinator for Victoria’s Australian Association of Bushland Regenerators (AABR).