AusChem Refresher

Ag/Vet Chemical Users Refresher

Your AgVet Chemical User Certificate has an expiry of 5 years. In order to renew your Certificate, you do not need to complete the full course again, you only need to complete a shorter Update/Refresher Course. It is important to keep your Certificate up to date due to continual changes to chemicals, procedures and standards.

Semester 01
Semester 02
Other Intakes
52 Westernport Hwy, Somerville or your suitable location
What you will learn:
  • Changes to labels
  • New legislation that is in place
  • Characteristics and properties of chemicals
  • Interpreting chemical labels & SDS
  • Chemical storage & transport
  • Preparing & mixing chemicals
  • Safe selection and application of chemicals
  • Mimising off target damage
  • Preparing a herbicide application plan

On successful completion of this course, you will receive AgVet Chemical Users certification and re-registration with AusChem.

This short course does not include accredited units and training as it is a refresher. Applicants should already hold the units below:

AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals

AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pests, weeds and diseases

Evidence of this in a Statement of Attainment, AusChem Certificate or ACUP is required.

One (1) day.

Participants doing a refresher course need to provide any of the following:

  • AusChem number or
  • proof of previous full training (statement of attainment for units AHCCHM304 & AHCCHM307) or
  • ACUP

If none of the above can be provided you can not complete this refresher and will be required to do the full Agricultural Chemical Skill Set.

Interactive learning in a face-to-face environment

NA as course is a refresher

Get In Touch

For a free skill check
Group 273